
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

AP Lab 2 in the books, genetics and softball

In AP Biology, we finished AP Lab 2 ... we did a test to show that hydrogen peroxide does not spontaneously decompose over 24 hours and we added catalase, boiled catalase and catalase from potatoes making observations of each.  We proved the presence of oxygen using the splint test.  Tomorrow we will finish our discussion of cell biology before moving on to enzymes and photosynthesis.  Next lab is being moved to next Monday (AP Lab #4 - Photosynthesis)

In Selected Topics, we finished our study of genetics.  Tomorrow, we have a paper chromatography lab (Who Killed Waldo).  This lab is part of separation science showing how to separate molecules when in solution ... distillation, centrifugation, chromatography and gel electrophoresis.

We had throwing and hitting for MS, freshmen and sophomores today after school ... inside/outside tee work, tennis ball drill with Coach Marr, side toss with Coach Bunton and pitching machine with Coach Carter.  We will lift tomorrow after school.

Picts are from hitting today!

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